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The Vice President of Science and Technology and Syrian Minister of Industry met; Iranian technology is welcomed in Syria

Sorena Sattari, Vice President of Science and Technology in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Ziad Sabbagh, Minister of Industry of the Syrian government, met.

During the meeting, the Vice President of Science and Technology in the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasized the development of technological cooperation between the two countries and spoke about Iran's ecological capacity for technology and innovation.

Sattari, stating that Iran is one of the leaders in oil and gas production in the world, continued: In the past 7 years, the development of a knowledge-based economy in Iran was emphasized to move away from the oil economy. During this period, very appropriate measures were taken. So now we have reached a point where if we want to produce technological products, this ecosystem will give a good answer. As we saw in the Corona crisis and the embargo.


Also, in this meeting, Ziad Sabbagh, Minister of Industry in the Syrian government, stating that we welcome the use of Iranian technologies in Syria, said: "In the past and during the years of crisis, negotiations were held with Iranian officials to build a car factory in Syria." But I do not know why it is not implemented.

Sattari has traveled to Syria at the head of a scientific and business delegation. In this trip, 40 knowledge-based companies will accompany Iran Sattari to figure out the development of their products by holding business meetings.

During this visit, the Vice President of Science and Technology attended and spoke at the second Iranian Trade and Technology Summit in Syria. Sattari also met with Bassam Ibrahim, Syrian Minister of Research and Higher Education.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

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